Kitchen Garden Maintenance and Coaching

Let us help with the upkeep of your Gardenwell kitchen garden pruning, plant swaps to keep the green bountiful, soil amendments and environmental protection..

We offer two levels of support.

Seasonal package includes four visits: early spring garden set up, May, September and end of year garden close. $625

Monthly package includes ten visits starting in early spring plus a 30 minute virtual coaching session and email support throughout the year. $1325

Please note that prices do not include cost of plants, speciality materials and any applicable taxes. Gardens with over 75 sq ft of planting space will incur a surcharge. Prices may vary for extended service areas.

Maintenance only offered on Gardenwell gardens.

Please contact us to enroll or inquire about weekly option.


Gardening is a journey, and one we love to share. Our one on one coaching sessions are onsite and tailored to your experience level and interests. This time together can be used to learn a kitchen gardening skill or address a challenge, hands on.


Please tell us a little more about your current garden and goals. A scheduling link will be provided within two days of form submission.

Two hour minimum may apply for extended service areas.
